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时间:2024-03-11 14:15:12














When I stepped into the gate of junior high school, I was amazed. When have I grown up? It seemed like my little shadow among the new students, but when I stepped into the gate of junior high school, I was surprised, when did I be independent? Looking at the crowded gate, I was alone. When I stepped into the gate of junior high school, I was in a panic. When did I mature? At the quiet time of the night, lock the mind into the drawer; when I stepped into the gate of junior high school...

Time is so hurried, do not give us a little time to say goodbye to the teacher. I didn't understand anything six years ago. It was the teacher's endless love and patience that blew my mind's flower bud. How can I forget the teachers inculcate and see my fall tear, which includes the teacher's love for us!

Time is such a rush. It's time for us to make a deep farewell to our classmates. In grade three, I got a better grade. I got to know more than ten students in the class. They used their comfort and laughter to open up the umbrella that covered the haze. How can I forget the happy and unhappy memories of the time! Those things contain the friendship of our classmates.

Time is so hurried, why can not give us a little time to recollect, to miss my teacher, my classmates, my friends... Why not give us some memories of the tables and chairs, the wall, the blackboard! Do they remember who was decorating them on the day of the teacher's day? Time, please stop and stay in love with the journey we have gone through together.

But after all, it is the past, that is just a good memory we treasure together.

When I see the door, stepped into the junior high school I know, I have grown up, and I was no longer the frail little girl; but when I stepped into the door of the junior high school I know, they have independent, is no longer the clothing to hand the baby; when I stepped into the door of junior high school I know, they have mature, no longer rely on the mother of the children, when I stepped into the door of the junior middle school......

The past is only suitable for friends, we miss, we must ride the wind and waves in the new journey, go ahead!













The opera is Chinese liufangqiangu, has a long history, and the type China Opera National variety, many places have their own drama, but also has its own unique local culture and customs of every place. Don't believe it? Today, we will go into the cultural treasures of the opera together and enjoy its unique beauty.

China existing opera is about three hundred and sixty kinds of traditional opera mesh is even more alarming, with tens of meters! We know many many opera operas are has its unique evolution, we know that the more famous operas: such as Peking Opera, Shaoxing opera, Ji opera etc.. But the traditional opera and Western drama Chinese is different, it has to aesthetic concepts and unique performance system, now is to introduce some of it: "health" is referred to as the male characters except face and clowns, inside and outside "Laosheng, niche, wusheng, baby is born. "Dan" is referred to as: female characters, Zhengdan, Huadan, door Dan, Wudan, laodan, Cai dan. "Net" refers to the character of the male characters, quality or appearance of some specific; "net" and to work and to work as the main face; "ugly" comic roles.

OK? Is it fun to look at it? In fact, there are a lot of it. Our main Opera: Kunqu Opera, opera opera, Huangmei sent the three. Two the Beijing Opera is also divided: the Mei school, the Cheng school, the pies, and the four schools. And on TV, we can see that the facial makeup of Peking Opera is very subtle, and a color is painted on the actor's face to symbolize the character and quality of this person. Role and fate are a major feature of Beijing opera, and its role is to help the audience understand the plot. Simply speaking, red faced with commendatory, on behalf of the heroic; black is neutral, on behalf of Meng Zhi; the blue and green face also is neutral, on behalf of the yellow and white derogatory outlaws of the marshes;, on behalf of atrocity; gold and silver face face is mysterious, on behalf of the demon god. The Facebook originated from the ancient religious and dance masks, which are preserved in many local operas today.

It feels good to see the introduction. Chinese opera culture is so wonderful, to say a little bit, ten days and ten nights can not be finished! Hope that we can continue to develop it in the future.









八年级,对我们来说意味着什么?多了一份责任,少了一份无知;多了一份理解,少了一份任性;多了一份努力,少了一份贪玩。 意味着不能再像以前那样了,要努力了,要懂事了。 恍然回首看看那已度过的7个学年,发现自己变了好多,确实是不一样了。 不再会像以前一样受点委屈就会哭;不再会像以前一样因为某个心爱东西的争夺而和朋友闹翻;不再会像以前一样排斥任何人。








Today, we have the last day of the term. And the good harvest will come to our hands on this day.

This semester, I studied seriously, my learning methods were excellent, my achievements were outstanding, my hands were active, and I have won many teachers' interest. Especially the Chinese teacher, Miss Shen, attached great importance to me, and had high expectations. I failed to live up to the teacher, this language test only reached 90, 5 points, ranked fourth in the whole class, the total score of second, let the teacher disappointed.

The exam was not ideal, but on Tuesday, I was greatly encouraged. That day is a day for the title of honor, and see what you can comment on. Although I have many good assistant. But in addition to sports in addition to fifty percent of the excellent, lucky escape a robbery, got the qualification of the three good students.

In grade three or four, as the teacher was more eccentric to me, I always took me as an example to educate others. Over time, the hearts of others buried the seeds of jealousy, always like to trap me in the dark, and let my days suffer. Plus I made a mistake just and stern, the classmate is accommodating the snitch a lot, and class management is relatively strict, make people very unhappy. So my popularity is very bad, I often only get more than 20 votes in the selection of honorary titles, so they often pass the three good students. Once, I was all first in the three entrance examination, and still lost his hand with the three good students, which made me angry and hated. But who made me not so good? All this can only be blamed for myself.

This year I was particularly afraid of the same thing that would happen again, so when I was chosen, my heart was "flop, flop". But soon, the result didn't disappoint me. I won thirty votes in an unprecedented way, becoming a well deserved three good student.

Today, three of my bitterness, the prize, came to my hand. A three good student's honor list, a city east story I wrote a prize, and a recited Star Award. This is not easy in three of the awards, I absorb sweat, bite my hard, forming a little bit, in this day finally came to my hands, really have to pay a return!

As long as you pay, the harvest will soon come. As the Bible says: "no labor, where do you have bread?" Therefore, we must study diligently to get the reward of God!

